\/div>',ProductPriceTitle:"Product price",ProductPriceText:'Enter the product price in a predefined currency here. Read more on how to manage currencies here<\/a>.',ProductTaxTitle:"Product tax category",ProductTaxText:"Select the product tax category or tick the Tax exempt<\/b> if needed.",ProductShippingTitle:"Product shipping info",ProductShippingText:"Define product-specific shipping details in this panel.",ProductInventoryTitle:"Product inventory",ProductInventoryText:"Enter the product inventory info here.
- The Don’t track inventory<\/b> option allows you to opt for no tracking<\/li>
- The Track inventory<\/b> option is for those who don’t have product variants and need to know just how many items are left<\/li>
- The Track inventory by product attributes<\/b> option is best for you if you have different product attributes combinations and need to track their stock quantities<\/li><\/ul>",ProductPicturesTitle:"Product pictures",ProductPicturesText:"You can add pictures to your product after you save it for the first time. Click the Save<\/b> button in the top right and then proceed to the pictures panel."}